Monday 25 May 2009

Death Note

Some of you may be aware I've recently got into a series called Death Note, This is an anime where a sudent called Light (highly smart) see's a notebook drop out of the sky. In Which soon relises it has powers where if he writes someone's name down and cause of death the person in question dies in the method he chosen. It soon then becomes a battle between another character called L who is another extreamly intelegent character within the series. From episode 1 to the episode where L dies it's a battle of witts between L and Light who becomes a god like chatacter called Kira given by the general public for worship. After L dies another one takes his place called Near, whilst I respect his intellegence I personally favior over L any day of the week. Which brings me to the movives, whilst alot it is the same up to a point then it kinda drifts away from the series and follow's it's own story. L still dies however its not until at the end of the moive, and theres a nice twist in it too, which piss's Light off because of this. Thank the lords Near isn't in the movie though because quite frankly I would of thought it'd ruin it having too many intellegent people in it.

One of my faverite characters from the side has to be Matsuda - Tota. I mean come on, seriously you need abit of laughter in the series and films, if there isn't someone there where you can just laugh at all the way through, then the series/films would be way too serious and to be frank, I wouldn't of enjoyed it that much.

Another character I really enjoy purely because of his laughter is ryuk. They did him justice in the film, the animation they did for him is to die for. They got everything right.

The characters I don't like is Misa Marsa, I mean how annoying can you be ? why have character in a series that just annoyies people to death? Tbh that should of been one of the methods for someone, would of actully been funny. Cause of death. Misa says hi in her annoying voice, person dies.

The other character I was pissed off with was remi, I mean rem was cool in the series and spoiled her in the film by replacing her with a man's voice. Which by the way does not suite rem Seriously.

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